Family Ties - Chapter 10

Family Ties by Nina Lavoie

Intermediate Level English. All in the present for transposition exercises.

China is back. No, she isn't dead. Not yet. But the Stroessner Fortune is still in play and powerful forces are trying to get it back. The problem was Miguel Angel. His DNA and the codes were both needed to unlock the treasure. And the arrowhead.

When Jane and Miguel Angel are kidnapped, things kick into high gear. China comes out of hiding and a raid is planned for the Stroessner cabin in the jungle near the border with Brazil. From tunnels and caves underground to a bottomless well, things heat up in this final chapter of the adventures of Jane Bertoni and her family in Paraguay.

Family Ties is the third in a series of three books (Family Secrets, Family Matters, and Family Ties) about the Bertoni Family and their adventures in Paraguay.


Miguel Angel and Jane burst into the restaurant at about 3am in the morning. Juan Carlos walks in after them with a big smile on his face. After hugs and kisses all around and much worry over Jane’s bloody nose, they finally sit down to talk.

“What about China?” Jane asks. “We have to save her.”

“What can we do?” Juan Carlos asks. “I was told by the guard who let you go not to come back. Didn’t you hear him?”

Both kids nod.

“But what does that mean?” Jane demands.

“Are they going to kill China?”

“I don’t know,” Juan Carlos says.

“Well, not if I can help it,” Arnold says. “I’m going back to the house. I may not be able to do much, but I can wait outside in case they set her free.” He gets up from the table but then they all hear the screeching of tires outside as two vehicles come to a stop in front of the restaurant.

But nobody comes in.

Arnold goes to the window to look out and can see one of the neo-Nazi’s sitting in a car just waiting. “They aren’t doing anything,” he says. They all know who he is talking about.

Then Johnny walks into the restaurant. He is smiling. “Don’t worry about them,” he says. “There are only four of them.”

Jane and Miguel Angel both give him a hug and they all sit down again eager to hear what Johnny is up to.

“They don’t realize they are surrounded,” Johnny says. “I got here about an hour ago and had a very interesting talk with an old guy outside.”

“What old guy?” Jeremy says. He gets up to go to the window, but his dad grabs his arm and indicates for him to sit down again.

Johnny tells them about his run-in with the old guy with a rifle and what they had decided to do.

“He went back to the house to back up his wife who was keeping an eye on things,” Johnny says, “and I assured him that I would protect the two families.”

“How are you going to do that?” Lujan asks. “Who is out there surrounding those four guys?”

“The secret service,” Johnny says. “They had set up for a raid closer to the house but were waiting for the final go signal. I got the CIA to hack on to their satellite telephone signal and asked them politely to send some troops here to protect you. At first, they refused but when they heard that you two were released, they asked for clearance to follow you. By that time, these four goons had also left the house to follow you back here and that gave them the excuse they needed to get here fast.”

“Wow,” Jeremy says. “Just like in the movies.”

“China is still in danger, you twerp,” Jane says. But then she smiles and ruffles his hair.

“I wish people would quit doing that,” Jeremy complains.

“So are they going to raid the house now,” Arnold says. “They can still rescue China.”

“Yes and no,” Johnny says. “Apparently there is a plan afoot and they are waiting for the go signal. But not yet.”

“The waiting is killing me,” Annie says. The others nod their agreement.

“So, there is no danger from the guys outside,” Lujan asks.

“None at all,” Johnny says. “If they open their doors to get out, they will be shot and then arrested.”

“Don’t you have to arrest them first,” Jeremy says.

“I prefer if they all got shot,” Johnny says. “Look the sun is coming up. It’s almost over.”

“I apologize,” the old lady says. “I fell asleep. Very unprofessional of me.”

She is talking to one of the policemen now on the scene. Jane and the two families had just arrived. They had watched as the four neo-Nazis outside of their restaurant were arrested without a shot being fired and then were asked to come to the house.

There are three bodies on the ground with blue tarps over them. Policemen are everywhere and several military guys in black are coming out of the house. An old lady is talking to a policeman and trying to explain what happened. Jane stops to listen.

“I was up in the trees,” she is explaining, “and I fell asleep. Then I woke up and I saw that bad man coming out of the house, so I shot him through the head. My husband took care of the other two.”

Miguel Angel is standing beside Jane listening also. “Who are these people?” he whispers eyes wide.

“China’s friends?” Jane ventures a guess. She sees Johnny talking to an old man over by the truck that had brought the SWAT team.

She hears Johnny yell loudly, “Be careful everybody, there are traps in the jungle and mines all around the house.” The warning is repeated a couple more times by different people until everyone had heard the caution.

“You two come with me,” Johnny says as he rejoins the group. “They can’t seem to find China. Not even a body.” He looks rather grim. “The house has been swept so we can go inside.”

“I know where she might be,” Jane says suddenly, and she starts running toward the house.

“Wait a minute,” Johnny yells. “Let me go first.”

In a minute they are in the kitchen and Jane is struggling to move the refrigerator out of the way. Miguel Angel realizes what she is doing almost immediately and helps her to move it out of the way. Finally, the rest of them can see the tunnel hidden behind.

“Stop and think for a moment,” Johnny says. “We can’t all go down there. It’s too dangerous. There may be traps or they may have mined it like they did outside the house.”

“But China might be down there,” Jane says. “She might be hurt.”

“I get it, but you aren’t necessary for this part,” Johnny says. “We’ll take care of it from here. Everybody into the living room.” He ushers them all out of the kitchen and indicates to two policemen to grab a lantern each and go before him and behind him into the tunnel.

“Be careful,” Jeremy says.

“It’s about time you got here,” China says as they walk into the cavern.

She is seated at the table drinking some coffee. There is a body slumped in a chair in front of her. It is the man with a gun. The gun had been no use to him.

“They don’t have any tea and this coffee is horrible.”

“What in the world did you do, China?” Johnny says. “We’re here to rescue you.”

“I don’t need rescuing, young man. I took care of it myself. Only thing was that darn refrigerator up there. Too heavy for me to move.” She smiles.

“China, you are the craziest old lady I know,” Johnny says. He moves the corpse a little to see what had killed him. There is a pool of blood under his head which is resting in his arms on top of the table. “You cut his throat?” Johnny asks.

“He wasn’t a nice man,” China says. “And I promised the President that none of them would escape. He had some way of getting through the tunnels and I was worried my people upstairs wouldn’t get him, so I took care of it myself.”

Johnny sees the bloody pen lying on the table beside China’s hand. He just shakes his head.

“You are an amazing woman.”

“Where are those kids of mine?” China says. “I want to see them. No sense dilly-dallying around here in this gloomy place all day.”

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