About The TPRS Institute of Argentina

The TPRS Institute was founded in 1996 by Bert Amsing, Veronica van Kregten, and Pat Verano. Pat was the one who first introduced us to the value of the TPRS methodology for learning a second language.

I remember sitting in the living room of our house in La Lucila for the whole day on a Saturday for a demonstration of the TPRS Method by Pat (who was teaching us Japanese).

We have never laughed and enjoyed ourselves as much as we did that day (and we learned the rudiments of the Japanese language as well).

We were hooked and TPRS soon became a way of life for all of us.

FLUENCY WORKSHOPS www.fluencyworkshops.com

Since then, Pat Verano has moved on to other things, but my wife, Vero, and I continue to teach using this unique methodology.

I have been the Head of Secondary English at a well-known bilingual school and my wife has worked both as a Headmistress (at St. Hilda’s in Hurlingham) as well as a Kindergarten Teacher at Northlands (Nordelta).

Vero consistently applied the TPRS Methodology to her teaching of young children at all levels of the Kindergarten and was rewarded with outstanding results.

She has since retired and now teaches other teachers how to implement the TPRS Method in their classrooms as well.

TPRSONLINE (INGLÉS RÁPIDO) www.tprsonline.net

I, on the other hand, focused my attention on private lessons for adults and business executives.

I developed an approach to learning language fast (as an adult) called

Inglés Rápido Fluency Program

and have implemented it with over 50 different students at different levels of English acquisition in many different settings.

SIT4SAT (S.A.T. Prep) www.sit4sat.net

I also applied the same methodology to preparing students for their SAT exams in the USA.

Even though these students were from top schools such as Northlands and St. Andrew’s, the methodology was key in preparing them for the level of English (fluency and grammar) demanded by the SAT and ACT exams.


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