Family Ties - Chapter 1

Family Ties by Nina Lavoie

Intermediate Level English. All in the present for transposition exercises.

China is back. No, she isn't dead. Not yet. But the Stroessner Fortune is still in play and powerful forces are trying to get it back. The problem was Miguel Angel. His DNA and the codes were both needed to unlock the treasure. And the arrowhead.

When Jane and Miguel Angel are kidnapped, things kick into high gear. China comes out of hiding and a raid is planned for the Stroessner cabin in the jungle near the border with Brazil. From tunnels and caves underground to a bottomless well, things heat up in this final chapter of the adventures of Jane Bertoni and her family in Paraguay.

Family Ties is the third in a series of three books (Family Secrets, Family Matters, and Family Ties) about the Bertoni Family and their adventures in Paraguay.


No, she is not dead, China thinks, but sometimes, she wishes she is.

When they find out that she was hiding in the house for the past month without revealing herself, her family will kill her. She is only half-kidding. She knows the pain that she caused them.

And now she is listening to their conversations in the hidden room in her bedroom upstairs on the top floor. Nobody bothers to come into this room anymore. They repaired the door, locked it and left everything as it was after she disappeared.

The equipment up in the attic is old, at least it was when they left the house in 1989. Apparently Benegas upgraded it and was using it. But her state-of-the-art satellite equipment in her room is powered with solar panels discreetly located on the roof of the house hidden from view, and it is still working perfectly.

The house is full of hidden passageways and secret rooms. There are multiple ways of getting out of the house to buy food and go to the bathroom and all the other necessities of life. She has to be careful but that is nothing new.

The only reason she used Jeremy’s tunnel when they came for her was because it was the closest option. She was on the way to the bathroom when she heard the ruckus downstairs and Jeremy’s room was right there. It is an old tunnel that dated back to the colonial times and is the only one she didn’t know about until Jeremy showed her how to get into it.

No wonder she couldn’t find the treasure on her own.

“China’s not dead?” Jane asks in shock, seated on a chair down in the living room two floors below.

China turns her attention back to the discussion. Not even this guy, Johnny, found her listening devices. They are state-of-the-art and undetectable except by only the most sophisticated of equipment.


“China’s not dead?” Jane asks in shock.

“No,” Johnny says, “at least she didn’t die in that burnt-out car like they said.”

“Then where is she?” Jeremy demands.

“And how do you know she isn’t dead,” demands Arnold.

“You better be right about this,” Jane says seriously, “or I’m going to kill you myself.”

That last part is said a bit too loudly just when there is a moment of silence. Jane is defiant. “I mean it,” she repeats. Everyone smiles at her passion.

“Give me a chance to explain,” Johnny says. “You can kill me later.” He smiles, looking at Jane. “Do you remember the para-military group that broke into the house pretending they were with the police?”

Heads nod.

“They were looking for China,” Arnold says.

“But she was hiding in the tunnel,” Jeremy says, “which I showed her.” He is proud of his part in the drama.

“Yes, that was good thinking,” Johnny says “Remember that I told you that they were part of a rival security company that is willing to disappear people for a price?”

“We remember,” Annie says. “Not good people.”

“We didn’t know about that,” Juan Carlos says. He grabs Lujan’s hand. This is getting serious.

“I did some digging,” Johnny says. “Let’s say I have a friend on the inside. I found out who hired them. It was Moises.”

“My dad?” Arnold says. He thinks for a moment. “That makes sense actually. He was after China, finally caught up with her somehow and then killed her in that car bomb.”

“Or not,” Johnny says. “It wasn’t her body in the burnt-out car.”

“I went to identify her,” Arnold says, “but I only recognized one of her shoes and part of the dress she had on the day she disappeared.”

“Easy enough to plant on another corpse,” Johnny says.

“That’s truly horrible,” Annie says. “Who was that poor lady?” “I have no idea,” Johnny says. “My company works closely with the forensics lab in Asuncion, and we got the report before anyone else. We told them to keep it quiet. I promised to let you know but as far as the general public goes, we want to keep it quiet for as long as possible.”

“Why in the world should we keep it quiet?” Lujan asks. “Don’t we need to contact that poor old lady’s family and let them know what happened?”

“We will,” Johnny says. “They haven’t identified her yet, which gives us a few days to figure things out.”

“But why hide the fact that China didn’t die in the car accident,” Miguel Angel asks.

“Because China went to a lot of trouble to make people think that she was dead,” Johnny says. “I think we should respect her wishes until we can find out what she’s up to.”

“I thought that Moises killed her?” Annie says. “Apparently not,” Johnny says. “There is no way to pull that off without both of them being in on it.”

“So, the other body is definitely Moises,” Juan Carlos asks. “That seems strange that one would die and not the other.”

“Yes, it does,” Johnny says. “China will have to tell us what that was all about.”

“Where is she?” Jeremy asks. “I would like to see her with my own eyes.”

“I assume that she will make herself known when she is good and ready,” Johnny says. “For some reason she needs someone to think she is dead. And Moises too.”

“Moises is dead,” Jeremy says. “It’s not about thinking he’s dead. He’s the grandfather I never knew. Supposed to be dead years ago. Alive again for a moment. Kills China. Kills himself. She comes back to life. He stays dead. It’s all rather confusing.”

“It’s about the money,” Jane says again. She looks at Miguel Angel. “We need to trust Alicia at some point,” she says. “She has heard too much already. And we need to get everyone up to speed.”

Miguel Angle looks at her for a long moment and then quickly at Alicia who keeps her head down and her eyes lowered. Finally, he relents. “Fine,” he says, “but if you betray us, Alicia, I’ll…”

He can’t finish the sentence, but everyone knows what he means.

China is uncomfortable listening to the conversation in the living room two floors below her. She is causing her family a lot of confusion and pain. But it is for their own good. She has to believe that.

Moises didn’t believe that, she reminds herself. He thought they should both die. For real. To make sure that every possibility of anyone getting the codes dies with them. But there is a possibility still. That’s what China didn’t want to tell him.

In the end he agreed but insisted that his death would make it more believable.

It isn’t really about China anyways. He sold everyone on the idea that he kept he codes in his own head. Photographic memory and all that. They believed him.

But China knows that there is one other place it is written down. She needs to make sure no one finds it. That Miguel Angel will be safe and the rest of her family too.

To die now is no guarantee. She has to make sure.

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